The basic understanding of cellulite, causes and treatments
Many women dread developing blemishes to her beauty which show in the form of pimples, acne and bulge at different body parts. A lot of women also go to great lengths to get themselves in order and will spend thousands of dollars to do so. After all appearance is very important to many of us. Lots of women tend to lose self confidence due to their impression of a disfigured bodyshape and less than perfect looks.
We all know one can reduce weight with regular exercises and diet control but cellulite is one problem that a traditional work out can't diminish. Cellulite is a lump or bulge that appears as problem areas of women body in where excess fat is stored just beneath the skin. This excess fat is not only seen on women who are overweight but also on thin women.
Before we get to the point of how to get rid of cellulite or what the cellulite removal processes is, it's necessary to understand how cellulite is formed. Cellulite is present in the skin layer closest to the body and forms by the accumulation of fat in pockets beneath collagen fibers. Cellulite appears topically on the surface of the skin and when these collagen fibers cannot contain the excessive fat stored and expand or burst in the form of dimpling on the skin surface.
There are numerous cellulite removal products available on the market including cellulite cream, cellulite gel and lotion. While buying anti cellulite cream make sure that you check the contents and ingredients beforehand. And, if you are prone to allergies from some chemicals, it is advisable to consult the dermatologist first so that he/she will be able to direct you to the cellulite cream with right composition.
Search for the top 5 cellulite creams on the market and some may be listed under head cosmetics and not as a medical treatment approved by FDA. Five major constituents of cellulite removal that reduce the bumpy looking cellulite on thighs, arms, belly, and buttocks include:
•Algae extract also known as bladderwack extract or brown algae is great for detoxifying and helps in the relaxation of bumpy cellulite sores and appearance on the surface of the skin.
•Retinoids are rich in vitamin A and are found to be helpful in diminishing the lines of wrinkles and softens the thick epidermal layer of the skin.
•Capsicum extract increases blood circulation and promotes skin tone health.
•Green Tea extract has been used for centuries as a healing property, recent research show its powerful detoxifying and healing properties.
•Horsetail extract keeps your skin firm.
•Shea butter moisturizes your skin naturally provides nourishement.
•Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are usually extracted from citrus fruits and acts as exfoliators. AHA is the composition of Lactic acid and glycolic acid which thins down the outer layer of skin by removing the dead cells present on the skin. This enhances the skin beauty and health rapidly.
•Caffeine widens blood vessels and works as a stimulant.
It would be good and beneficial if you apply the cellulite cream in the evening because the skin is more permeable and the cream takes effects sooner.
Get more advantages of using cellulite creams and tips on how to get rid of cellulite by visiting the top cellulite creams review site.
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